Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Validation for The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript starts here


Hi john,

Would you like to learn the same exact tactics and
strategies that Mike Filsaime uses with his very own
membership sites to make an utter fortune each
month online?

Then you need to go here...
Get The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript by visiting:


How would you like to learn from a guy who has built his list to over 350,000 people and makes a steady 6 figures month in and month out on total autopilot?

Well, now is your chance because for the first time ever, Mike Filsaime is letting you get your hands on his Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.


These same tactics and strategies that he teaches in this breakthrough report helped Michael Cheney of Adsense Videos do over $200,000 in sales in just 7 days!

Here is a taste of what The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript will teach you:

-How to build a huge opt in list in record time.

-How to use Viral Marketing to get auto pilot traffic to your site day in and day out.

-How to put tiny little Butterfly Effects in your marketing to earn thousands of dollars per month for years and years to come.

-How to use free reports to bring you 50 new opt in members per day on total auto pilot.

-How to create a product in under 10 days.

-How to launch a site and get 5000 members in just 5 days or less.

-And this is just the tip of the iceberg...

Don't miss out on this. There's no telling if or when Mike will pull this from the market. Hurry and visit:


Click here to earn credits

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