Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"We are the best 'Fre*bie Force' team!


Dear Friend and Opportunity Seeker,

Would you like to be at the top of a start up company that is set for longevity, pays you twice per month, gives you thousands of dollars in
products/cash/services, shares revenue, ...all for LESS than a fast food restaurant meal?

We're not here to pull your leg or promise you over night wealth or charge you hundreds to thousands of dollars for a work at home business
opportunity. We are every day people just like you. War, recessions, economic shortages, global warming, all have seriously impacted your pocket book.
Oil prices continue to rise. As gasoline prices skyrocket, everything else goes up in price.

You need to keep reading if interested in dramatically changing your life and your loved ones lives, for the better. Not only will you discover how to
save thousands of dollars every year plus receive fr*e products/services every day, you'll also learn....How to Make a 'Six Figure Income' working at
home on your computer for less than a fast food meal! Fre*bie Force is all this and more.

You really can make a Six Figure Income at home.

What you need is the right company and team!

Don't wait - Sign up here today!


Don't have a credit card? - all is not lost - a pre-paid Visa Card is available now - no credit checks - get yours at MiAmigos

Join MiAmigos here today at:


Even MiAmigos Gratis members can earn!

NO FUNDS at all? For those of us whose pockets are to let BUT are willing to put in a little effort - then check out www.jointhepjbrigade.ws for some
great ways to earn those dollars with zero outlay!

from the desk of Colin and Amanda Barrow

email us: admin@jointhepjbrigade.ws

Click this link to earn credits

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