Wednesday, April 9, 2008

There really is an EASY way To Make Money


Up until just recently I really didnt think it
was possible to make a decent income by doing
next to nothing!. I was brought up with the
belief that if you want to succeed you must be
willing to work hard.

For the most part I still beleive this to be
true however with todays technology having to
work hard has been made a whole lot easier.

I know, that last statement may not sound
sensible to you but let me see if I can explain.

Back in the day, actually not that long ago
creating an effective affiliate site not only
required knowledge of HTML but also many hours
of work designing as well as coding and it
didnt end there.

Search engines love sites that update their
content on a regular basis. So much so that
they are often ranked higher in the search

Because of this these affiliate websites
needed new content to be created on a regular
basis and then the sites had to be updated
with the new content.

I think you can see how much of a pain this was
and how time consuming it can be especially if
you have multiple affiliate sites as most
successful affiliate marketers do.

Having to create and update fresh content held
most back from creating an empire of niche
affiliate sites. Only those who had the money
to invest in outsourcing could keep up with the
demands of having multiple affiliate sites.

Another disadvantage was having to add links to
new products that became available or to replace
product links that have expired or were directing
to products that were no longer available.

Now, since RSS has become more and more
popular most if not all major affiliate
programs offer RSS feeds embedded with your
affiliate link.

Whats this mean? It means no more having to
create or update any content...ever! This
has opened up serious income opportunities
as now it is possible to have literally
hundreds of niche affiliate sites that never
need you to do any further work once the website
is set up!

However, if you do not know how to create or
work with RSS feeds than creating these
websites even with HTML experience can be
a chore.

This is why I have created
Auto Pilot Niche Empire so that anyone can
take advantage of the power of RSS.

We create the niche websites complete with
RSS feeds from some of the top affiliate
networks such as ClickBank,
Revver(monetized videos) and Ebay. Each site
even has its own Ebay store!

We have also included Adsense ads that are
strategically placed to generate more clicks.

These heavily monetized and effective niche
affiliate sites can be purchased for less
than seven bucks each. We will even show you
how to start getting traffic to your sites from
day one.

If you are looking for a really simple way to
generate a passive income then you really need
to check this out!

Joe Russell

Click this link to earn credits

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