Saturday, April 5, 2008

Make $100k in 3-4 months. I'll teach you how for FREE!


The 100k Project

Are you tired of all the Internet Ads, which
promise you the world for the taking, but in the
end,YOU'RE the ONLY thing that gets taken?!

If that's the case, then we think you're going
to be EXTREMELY HAPPY that you opened up this Ad!!

Because, to quote Monty Python:, "and now for
something completely different!"

We are searching for 10 lucky people are going
to be chosen to learn how to make $100k per month
and they're going to get there in only 3 or 4 MONTHS!!

This is something brand new and your chance to
get in at the beginning of it. It's NOT gifting,
Travel, EDC, L*ttle G*y Netw*rk or anything you've
ever seen before.

Think it might be expensive? Nope, $20 a month.
Only $20 a month to get you to $100k per month.
Yep, it just might be worth your while to check
this out!

Only 10 of you will be selected? Here is where
you'll find out more about it.

Be prepared to become extremely excited!

Don't wait too long or your place may be taken.

Can YOU make the cut??

Only one way to find out!

Click this link to earn credits

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your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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