Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just Started NEW Pre-Launch, john berry


Hi Glen,

Just Started FREE Pre-Launch!

Get ready for the GREATEST income system ever devised. The SECRET of MAKING MONEY is to develop a large list of interested people ready to join NEW and EXCITING ‘Income Programs’!

Everyone wants to make money right away. Well, now YOU can. Our Pre-LaunchforIncome System will forever help you to develop a LARGE organization, which will grow over time.

Imagine having a few HUNDRED, or even MORE, people in your Pre-LaunchforIncome organization by the time we open our first ‘Income Program’: Then we will AUTOMATICALLY import your entire organization into each ‘Income Program’ FOR you, so you’ll be able to make money right away, rather than having to spend untold weeks, or even months, advertising before you see any money.

Then, imagine having a few THOUSAND or more people in your organization by the time we open our second ‘Income Program’ and making a lot of money right away AGAIN.

By the time we open our third ‘Income Program’, you will not be worried about making money. It is our belief that literally THOUSANDS of people will join Pre-Launch for Income and you will see lots of people coming in under you if you advertise your Pre-Launch for Income URL.

There have been other Pre Launches and other list builders, but nothing even close to this has ever been seen before, so don’t miss out. We suggest that you advertise this new Website like you have never advertised anything before – it will be that BIG.

Glen Brink


Click here to earn credits

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