Tuesday, April 1, 2008

300 Visitors from the Traffic G exchange FREE!!!


300 Visitors from the Traffic G exchange FREE!!!

This is a quality mailer – NOT a cheap "blaster" !


We guide 1000's of potential clients to zero in on your site like missiles!

When you purchase a subscription to the best online mail delivery system available, you will receive 300 hits from a major traffic exchange for FREE.
Simply email goatmax62@aol.com and include your Pay Pal purchase confirmation number along with the web site you want to promote. The hits will start
300 hits plus a subscription to the mailer for only $12! You can't beat that.

Direct marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business.
However, Internet etiquette requires that you only send your offers to those who have agreed to receive them.

This is where the Private Advertising Club concept comes into play. When you join our Private Club you immediately have the right to send your
advertisement to 1000's of proven Internet purchasers daily.
Not only has everyone in the database agreed to receive offers but, they even paid to be part of the club!


*Everyone one the list is a double confirmed
proven Internet buyer.

*No complicated software or email addresses
to download.

*One click send directly from our servers.
As easy as sending a regular email except
your ad goes out to 1000's of proven buyers not
just one.

*Impossible to lose your ISP. All mail goes
out directly from our servers.

Database constantly changing so you always have
new people to email to.

Send your ad out every day, 365 days per year
to a constantly updated new database of
Internet buyers.

One Year's Membership is a mere $12.

Click here to send out your ad in minutes!


Sites containing any of the following cannot be submitted for free hits:
Pornographic, warez, violent or non-English material. Sites that open more than 1 pop-up window. Sites containing hidden content.

Thank you.

This has been a commercial email message from:

Francis "Skip" Heywood

Brand new marketing tool is causing sales to explode!

Click this link to earn

This is not SPAM. You agreed to receive ad messages from the list members
when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found at:


This message was sent by 'goatmax62'

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