Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why Tupperware isn't going Green!


Tupperware isn't going Green......Why?

Because Tupperware has always been GREEN!
That's right. Even before it became popular and trendy to talk about being "green" as a company, our product had always been designed to be used as a
food storage item for a lifetime. It never was Earl Tupper's intention for Tupperware to end up in some land fill like so many of the lesser quality
plastic "throw aways" made by our competitors.
Tupperware was created over 60 years ago and we were the first to market it as a plastic food storage product. And still to this day we are a most
unique product of top quality that, not only has a life time warranty, but was designed to last a life time. We continue to use high tech procedures
with high-grade resins that can never be confused with products like Gladware, Rubbermaid, and the many other disposable products on the market. It
has never been, nor will it ever be, our intention to end up in the recycle bins or land fills of the world.
Tupperware is not only friendly to our environment, but is also kind to our customers' wallet. We are proud to say that when you purchase our product
it is a one time investment that pays for itself over and over again. It preserves and stores foods like no other and it will help our customers avoid
food waste. Today, it has been determined through studies that the American public throws away up to 40% of their annual food costs.
"Waste not want not" has always been one of our company's important mottos.
We are proud that we are an American icon that recognizes the importance of being "green" not just today, but throughout our 60 years of existence.

This is why our customers see the benefits to owning our product over others, which leaves those others "green" with envy.

Yours in $uccess,
Michael "Big Mike" Clark
TupperWare Consultant
Home: (509) 276-8965
Cell: (509) 389-3451
Fax: (509) 590-4985
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