Tuesday, March 11, 2008



Why Was My Power Mall Created
from CEO and founder Ginny Dye
Good Morning john
I started My Power Mall for two reasons.  One was to use our systems to help people find financial freedom.  That’s YOU.  The other was to use the money generated to change the world!  And, yes, I’m completely serious!

My Power Mall is just one division of Together We Can Change The World Inc.  A team of 60 people have been building this company since the Fall of 2002.  Another division called Shop For Charity Day uses our systems to raise money for 150,000+ registered non-profit organizations, schools and churches.   Together We Can Change the World Day mobilizes people all over the country to make a difference in their communities on the first Saturday of every month.  Together We Can Change The World Publishing puts out a series of books with titles like 101 Ways You Can Change The World, 101 Ways to Support our Troops, 101 Ways Your Business Can Change the World, and many more. 
The whole reason for this company is to harness the power of online spending to change the world – changing your life along the way.  I’m telling you all this because as My Power Mall grows as a company I will be challenging all of you to use your life to make a difference – whether you want to give time or money. 
I promise you that as a company we will be leading the way.  We’ll be giving 6.5% of corporate profits to the One-Child-At-A-Time Program.  But that will just be the beginning.  Another 5% will be put into the Together We Can Change The World Foundation – becoming a source of funding for projects near and dear to our hearts.  Even more money will be allocated toward tremendous exposure for Together We Can Change The World Day. 
I hope you’ll see that we are doing everything we can to fulfill our mission.
Herbert Gordon
860 380-6558

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