Monday, March 31, 2008

Don't go Yip Yip like a puppy - Hooooowl like a Big Dog


I used to yip as I played with all the other puppies on the back porch, but one day I jumped down and joined the Big Dogs who ran free through the
streets. And I learned how to Bark and to Howl.

As I grew older and bigger I got bolder, and started to roam
further from home. And a few other Big Dogs tagged on.

Now, today, I'm the Leader of the Pack. And ALL the Big
Dogs follow me!


As a Puppy I was just playing around the fringes of Internet
Marketing, going along with the other Puppies and losing
everything I had.

Then I got the message in the mail that led me to break away from the rest and spend time learning what I should be doing, then doing it properly.

And as success started to come, so did the folllowers, and
they too started to succeed.

So now that I'm in the money I've become the Leader of the
Pack, because I've helped them make money too, and they'll
follow me anywhere.

I'm truly the Biggest of the Big Dogs.

And now I'm sending YOU the message in the mail, so take a
few minutes to visit ...

And become one of the Big Dogs.

Alan Green,
325M Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 251974

If you need help or more information woof woof me at
65-67322871 or wag your e-tail in the direction of

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