Saturday, March 1, 2008

Click Here ONLY if You're Ready for a Change...


Hello, [first_name],

I'm about to let you in on a new wealth building secret that's
just quickly gaining momentum.

In fact... you're one of the first people to know about
this amazing secret.

It's so HUGE in fact, that I predict in less than a year it may
be the biggest money maker to hit the Internet. Seriously!
The secret I'm referring to is called the…..

"Reverse-Universal-Marketing" principle (RUM.)

The RUM principal is actually a systematic approach
to business and wealth building that eliminates the
3 biggest business killers...

=> Lack of Time
=> Lack of Money
=> Lack of Experience
Let's break the RUM principal down to make it easy for
you to understand.

Means that you reverse the business building process
by building a "feeder" organization BEFORE you spend
any money. Then when your organization puts you
in a position to profit, you use a small portion of your
profits to join, or feed, into the first business in the
system. This process continues one-step-at-a-time
until you feed into all 8 businesses in the system.

Universal means that everything in the businesses building
system is exactly the same for every member so it an be
duplicated automatically. Every member receives the
same plan, pre-written marketing materials and free
advertising sources. That way, all they have to do is "plug-in"
to the system and follow the directions in the plan.

Because everything is universal, it's much easier and far less
time consuming to build an organization. All members do is
spend 10 minutes a day – 5 to 6 days a week, giving away the
system according to a simple plan. That's it!
If there were such a thing as a perfect way to create wealth
online, RUM may be the closest to it.
And because it's free... there are NO RISKS!
So if you'd like to learn more about this amazing system...
click on the link below and check it out.


There's nothing to risk, no pressures or obligations and NO
costs. Just some common sense business and wealth building
information that you can use to create the lifestyle of your

Kind regards,
John Jones

P.S. Even if you're a complete skeptic, do yourself favor and
check out this website. You have NOTHING to lose and I think
you'll be surprised how simple it actually is to create wealth online
using the Reverse-Universal-Marketing principal.

Click this link to earn

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