Sunday, March 9, 2008

$700 In YOUR Pocket Tonight!


Hey john, If you need or want an amazing additional income source you must see this. A short informational movie will change your life and your income immediately. Find out how bucket loads of people are making over $700 in their first HOUR and over $2500 in their first DAY, all automatically and with 1 simple email. You Owe It To Yourself To See This. Visit$uccess to learn how to make unheard of money now and with very little effort. Absolutly NO SELLING involved. Snooze and you Lose Warmly, Malcolm To make your first $700 in the next hour, visit$uccess PS Hi fellow Reality people. The price point here is astounding. Bucket loads of people are going to get into this so, the first question that you are going to ask me is: How many people in your organisation then? Answer: I have been in this 48 hours and 14 people have joined me. None from my list! And I haven't even got my own squeeze page. What is the maxim? Ready. FIRE. Aim... It works! PPS If you still don't know how to recruit, get this report Recruit Like Rachael (Long) Rachael Long out recruits just about everybody on the net and you can find how she does it here: PPPS I am not Racael Long but in 72 hours I have 19 people in my business. It's like falling off a log!

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